Elric was down with high fever.
It all started on Wednesday night when we felt his body was very warm.
To make the long story short, we usually let him take a chinese traditional medication called 猴枣散 (Hou Zao San) if the fever is not too high. Mainly because he prefers the TCM medicines to the western medication. (For some reasons, I don't know why.)
Late into the night, his temperature shot up to 39 degrees. I quickly sponged him with cold water and we gave him the paracetamol, which he hates.
That night, he woke up nearly every hour, crying. :(
(Yes. I'm fishing for pity again. Elric, when you grow up and read this, remember all this that mum has done for you! >_<)
We brought him to the doctor, and he provided us with three types of medicines on top of the two fever medication which we already bought off the shelf.
These are for cold, cough and phlegm |
We had to pin him down n force him to take them. :( That worked until Friday when Alphonse had to take care of him alone, and couldn't get him to eat his medicine. His temperature went up to 40 degrees.
We brought him to the clinic again thinking that the doctor may be give him an injection to bring the temperature down. However, he gave us another medicine, saying that if he refuse to take it in from the mouth, we will have to do it from the bottom.
This medication, Suppositories, is equivalent to a dose of Brufen which will be able to bring his temperature down quickly. But Alphonse and I were quite reluctant to administer that medication so we forced the oral medication down his throat again and with even more sponging.
It says, "Insert into anus 1 SUPP when necessary"
Alphonse said it's too scary to make him go through this. :(
Seriously, I rather he gets a jab. But doctor said it's not advisable as he is too young.
I'm just glad that his fever is gone. It's just left with the cough and phlegm.
I'll keep this medication for emergency use ONLY.
We sent him to school for half a day today just to keep the schooling momentum.
Hopefully that he will get well quickly!
Meanwhile, I will bear with his crankiness and sleeplessness cause he is still waking up very often at night.
Mummy Kaye
P.S. As you can see, I have been crazy about the LINE app stickies!