Tuesday 12 June 2012

Mini Shopping trip @ Lotte Korean Mart (Updated)

I have always been a fan of Korean food and tradition. Trust me. It's nothing to do with the Kpop trend that is going on now. (Ok I know you don't believe me)

I remember I had an overseas trip with my secondary school when I was 16. It was a trip
planned as a reward for all the student counsellors (aka prefects) as well as the student leaders from each CCA (Core Curriculum Activity).

As I was the Band major of the school band, I was given the opportunity to travel to Korea and Beijing with the rest of the leaders.

I remembered clearly that many of my travelling mates were not used to the food available there. In fact, they were so sick of the food they couldn't wait to return to Singapore to eat our Chicken rice. And I? I was happily munching on the raw vegetables and Kimchi. (whahaha...)

So yes. I am always happy and excited to explore new korean eateries and enjoy shopping for Korean food produce.

I honestly believe that they are a lot of people who treasure their culture and proud of their country and their roots. Hence they always maintain the standard of their product quality.

I was really happy when I first passed by the store when it first opened.
It's Lotte Korean Mart which is located at the 67 Tanjong Pagar Road, with the famous stretch of Bridal boutiques. They have 2 stores, one in Tanjong Pagar and the other at Kilat Court.

I did a quick scan and bought a few items I wanted to try.

When you first stepped in, you can't miss the show/concert videos they project on the wall. Enjoy the Kpop music and dance while shopping. :p The grocery items, food, and tidbits are neatly displayed in their rows.

What you will probably notice first, is their selection of Korean wine.

I enjoy drinking Korean wine and Soju. One of Alp and my favorites is their Bek Se Ju aka 百岁酒,which literally translates as 'one-hundred-years wine'. It's a wine fermented with many good herbs including Ginseng. Some people call it the 'wine for the ladies' or the 'good-health wine'.

Whichever you call it, Lotte sells this wine! The last I saw, it was sold at $17! If you ask for this wine is local Korean restaurants, it will probably cost you $22++.

What I bought that day however, was something which I have never tried before. The Korean Rice Beer/Rice Wine (Makgeolli). If you watch enough Korean dramas, especially those about the old Joseon period, you will often see the people gather together to drink this Rice wine.

Guess how much is it?


What a steal!!!!
And the boss gave me a wine bowl for free! I totally didn't expect that because I thought that bottle cost only $5.50! But of course, he may have given it to me course he have seen me quite a bit and I did buy quite a few other items. :D

I like the Makgeolli. It's very light and sweet. But it taste so harmless that you may over drink! Unlike our usual beer which is has frothy foam and kind of gassy, Makgeolli is not, making it even easier for you to stomach the whole bottle.

Don't forget!
There is a 4.5% - 5% alcohol!
(I know 5% alcohol is NOTHING to some... bleah)

Next product I bought was the Ginseng drink. Some of you maybe aware that I drink ginseng drink quite often. Korea is well known for their Ginseng products, especial red ginseng. Korean Red Ginseng contains choline and saponin which are good for the brain. It helps in improving memory and promotes mental alertness. Ginseng has also many long term benefits. One, I was told, is that it helps in managing physical and emotional stress. (guess why I need it... SOB, SOB, SOB)

I have always been drinking this brand of ginseng drink.

So when I saw the variety of Ginseng drink, I decided to try another brand.

Can you see that there is a piece of ginseng roots inside?? :D
I will likely buy a carton of it and place in my office very soon! This taste very good, and less sweeten compared the the one I have been drinking. Only down side is the pricing is higher.

The 3rd item I bought is the Korean Honey Jujube Tea.

Many of us are familiar with the Citron Honey and some are aware about the Gin honey. However, the less known one is the Honey Jujube tea.

Honey Jujube (dates) is good for blood circulation, relieves stress, good for liver and good for arthritis.

Ginger Honey is good for digestive system, cold/flu, and good for hangover.

I have been taking Citron Honey and recently tried Ginger honey, so this time I decided to go for the Jujube Honey. :)

The last item I bought is also the least healthiest of them all. haha... Roasted nuts. nothing much to say about it. I was simply greedy and looking for tidbits. hahahaha...

UPDATE! (13 June 2012)

I just found out that that Lotte does free delivery so long as you purchase items more than $50! I just purchased some items and they will be delivering them to me tomorrow!

Items includes, Bae Se ju, Plum Wine, dumplings, Seasoned squid, Anchovy, instant noodles and etc! hahaha... Looking forward to receiving them!

*The Bae Se Ju is under further discount today! ONLY $14!
** Lotte has an online store in Qoo10 Singapore (Gmarket Singapore). Pricing differs depending on the products. Just type in KORYO FOOD and you will be able to find the products they sell online. ^^


Mama Kaye

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