Sunday, 2 January 2011

The day I became Alphonse Otousan (Arrival of Elric)

It was on the last day of the year 2010, 31st December. My wife, Kaye, woke me up at around 5am and told me that she was bleeding. After making a call to our gynae, we rushed to Thomson Medical Centre. I was thrilled, nervous and at the same time worried for my wife as this is our first child.

Kaye was a brave mother-to-be, despite it was going to be her first delivery, she rejected epidural and suffered pain during labour, though the nurse repeatedly offered her epidural injection. She only allowed herself to be on oxygen mask during the last 30min of her delivery process.

The delivery was a very smooth one, once our gynae Dr Lim came in, it took just less than 15 min, 2 pushes and Elric was delivered. I was unable to witness the whole process of Elric's arrival as I was too focused on Kaye's condition, helping to put the oxygen mask on her. To be honest, I never felt so helpless before. Seeing her go through the pain and suffering but all I could do was to pray hard and have faith in our Lord.

I was filled with joy and excitement seeing the beautiful baby boy's first cry. He is a beautiful baby and GOSH so much hair for a newborn baby! I knew on that day, my life will never be the same again. I have become a father, Alphonse Otousan.:PP

Elric was brought back to us after 4 hours of queuing up for a bath

Elric was put back into his cubicle. Time for him to sleep.

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