Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Kaye down with HFMD


Here's an update: I am down with Hand Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD).

Yes. I am one of the rarer adult-HFMD cases. I used to think that I have certain immunity to it since I had worked in a childcare centre for more than two years and had never came down with the disease. I guess I was wrong.

It started with my whole family down with flu, causing us to weaken up and more susceptible to catching the HFMD virus. Elric's childcare centre had high number of HFMD cases and he became of the last few cases before MOH requested for a 10-days centre closure. 

It's pretty obvious how I caught the virus, right?

The initial symptoms were very close to flu symptoms. I had high fever at 39.5ÂșC, cough, sore throat and diarrhea. Even the doctor diagnosed it as a recurrence of flu. I realised it was bad news when I found ulcers in my mouth on the following day. The doctor diagnosed it as HFMD on my second visit.

Rashes and blisters appeared overnight. The blisters are concentrated on my palms and the sole of my feet, while rashes are spreaded across the back of my hands, forearms, elbow and knees. These have been giving me difficulties doing simple tasks like eating, showering and brushing my teeth. oh... and now I walk like a penguin because of the blisters at my fore and hind feet. *laugh at myself*.

The ulcers in my mouth and throat are not sparing. hmmm... how should I put it? It's like... I can add up ALLLLL the ulcers I had through out my life, it would not be comparable to the number I am having. The ulcers from HFMD has this unique white ring around the ulcer. I peeped at my throat and thought it reminded me of octopus tentacles.   YUCK! But don't worry. I have been so disturbed by the sight, I have chosen not to take any photos. Instead, I shall show you my lower lip which is blood shot.

It's in time like this that I am reminded thank God for my body functions instead of taking them for granted. Holding a spoon is a simple task only because God had designed us well. This has been and a frustrating experience, full of pain (of course cannot compare with labour pain la) and I couldn't slept well either. Nevertheless, it's thought that HFMD will not last long, which is keeping me.... sane. hur hur... 

I went for a review yesterday and the doctor gave another 3 days of MC on top of the 4 days given previously. I was told to drink plenty of water and Vitamin C so that my body can quickly fight off the virus. He provided me with lozenges to ease these ulcer pain, a bottle of gurgle and calamine lotion to ease the pain and itch from the blisters and rashes. He also asked me to quarantine myself. Honestly, even if he didn't need to mention, I wouldn't leave home until all the blisters at my feet are gone. I don't want to go out walking like a penguin yo!*laugh at myself again*

I had also came to feel that it's pointless to go to the doctor when you are down with HFMD. I mean, when will a doctor tell you things like this? "Basically there is no medicine meant for HFMD, your body will have to fight it. Btw, it may be getting worse. HFMD can be more severe in adults, so take plenty of water and rest." Right... thanks loh. 

The only reason for me to have to head to the clinic was to allow doctor to ascertain my condition.

Lastly, I would like to thank you all who have showered concerns for me. I really appreciate them. Sorry for all the whining and ranting on my Facebook or other outlets. I had chosen not to rant to my poor husband who has to care to two HFMD patients. 

Cheers to happy tots!
Mummy Kaye