Helllooo!! Sorry for keeping this space empty for awhile.I have been very worn out lately and rather EMO as well. Maybe because Elric was sick and now Alphonse is down with fever too.
Just thought of sharing with you something that happened to me which brought me to stop and think about myself.
"Don't be so Kaypo (nosy) can or not!"
Has anyone said that to you before?
This thought suddenly came to my mind when I was deciding whether to call the police because of my neighbour's dog has been barking from 12Midnight to almost 2AM for a few nights.
I know the dog. His name is Dino. I used to like him a lot but hasn't met him and his owners recently.
It started off when Dino was barking after 12 midnight! The first thing that came to my mind was, "WHY IS THIS DOG SO NOISY!!" My son has been down with fever and rashes. He hasn't been sleeping well because he was uncomfortable. Pls don't bark and wake my son up!
I was angry because the kids from that family have been noisy in the day and now even the dog is noisy! :( I was tired and lacking in patience because when Elric is unwell, we can't rest either.
On the 3rd night when the Dino started barking, my husband asked me if we should call the police. That thought gave me a pinch! I was upset by the noise. I was irritated that the dog was barking loudly at such an unholy hour. But that shouldn't warrant the police to their door... right? I needed a bit a time to consider, so I told my husband that we should observe for awhile before we call.
During this 15min or so, I tried to listen to the Dino's barking.
I came to the conclusion that it was crying. It was barking out of fear.
I decided to call the SPCA after checking the website. I didnt know if it was right for me to 'disturb' SPCA at 1AM in the morning to check on the dog. I mean, what if I was wrong and it is not a case of abuse? Damn so paiseh right?
Still, I called SPCA and was told that they can't approach the family unless I have evidence of abuse. Otherwise, I can call the police that the dog is making a nuisance.
OOOiiiii!!! I am not calling you because I am angry with the noise! I am calling because I am worried that Dino is being abused! :( Still, I understand where they were coming from. They can't go knocking at people's door in the middle of the night just because I
suspect there is an abuse.
So... I was back to whether to call the police. Here came the question I asked myself.
Kaye, are you just angry with the dog's noise, KAYPO or really concern?
After some 'self-examination', I called the police. Within 15min, the police came and Dino stopped barking. 30min later, the police car left.
I guess I made the right call. It was a case of abuse. I no longer hear any sound from Dino these few days and I believe it was brought away. I hope Dino will be taken care by a better owner from now.
This very minor incident brought me to think further. What is the difference between being nosy and concern? If i didn't get to know Dino before this happened, would I have noticed that it was calling for help instead of just barking crazily? If I don't have a baby and careless about barking dogs, would I have paid attention to Dino?
Somehow we are brought up in a society which tells us to "mind our own business" and "Don't so Kaypo can or not?". Isn't this the reason why people would walk away from an
injuried toddler run over by vehicles? Take photos of dying/injured people without helping? We talk talk talk, complain complain complain and there after, we walk away. It is so easy to click the "share" button on Facebook and "retweet" button on Twitter, but are there real actions after that? I guess we need to put away our pride and start to care for the people around us EVEN IF it place us in a vulnerable position.
I don't have a halo on my head. Neither do I rush to help every single person in need. However, I certainly believe that if I hope for others to lend a hand when I am in need, I have to first pay attention to others I meet.
Passing Thoughts.