Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Food recipes for Baby Elric

It's really nice to hear people praising Elric and saying how healthy he looks!
Of course I think the diet plays a part. Other than the breastmilk that he is still drinking now, I want to feed him with nutritious food to keep him healthy!

We have been reading up and exploring new recipes for Elric. These are the first few recipes which we have combined different vegetables for him and he really loves them alot.

1 large sized Sweet Potato (cut into small cubes)
1 medium sized Potato (cut into small cubes)
A cup Spinach (leafy part for easy digestion)
150g Anchovies (removed the head and intestine)

Put into the Philips Combined Steamer and Blender
Steam for 20 min and then blend.
You can divide the ingredients into 2 portion and steam separately.
This amount for vegetable is good enough for 1-2 weeks.
Potato and Sweet Potatoes are source of carbohydrate. As potatoes are less nutritious, I prefer to add in some sweet potatoes for nutrients and taste.
Spinach provides him with the serving of vegetable he needs and Anchovies provides protein and it is high in Iron and Calcium as well. :)

200g Red beans (You can consider getting organic ones since its not really that expensive. We soaked the red beans overnight to make it really, really soft before cooking)
Boiled the red beans till its really pasty and sticky. You will need to stir and add some water along the way.

3-4 red apples (cut into small cubes)
Put the ingredients inside the machines and steam for about 5 min
Place the red bean puree into the blender and you will get your red bean and apple puree.
*red bean is very blend. do get the small red apple that is sweet for taste.
Red bean is a good source of carbo, protein as well as dietary fibre. It also contains a good amount of Folate.

1 Large Sweet potato (cut into small cubes)
2 Capsicums (remove ALL seeds and cut into small cubes)
1 slice of pumpkin (cut into small cubes)
200g of anchovies  (removed the head and intestine)

Yellow taste sweeter, but all the 3 colours (green, red, yellow) provides similar nutrients.Capsicum is a great source of Vit A, C and antioxidant!
Put into the Philips Combined Steamer and Blender
Steam for 20 min and then blend.

You can divide them into 2 portion and steam separately. 
This amount for vegetable is good enough for 1-2 weeks.

Hope your baby will like the recipe too! ^^


NEW LOOT: Baby Cube for food storage @$16.90

Got this a S$16.90 for a set of 8 cubes of 70ml each.
If you have coupons from, it will be even cheaper!
Using this for freezing my baby food. ^^ I bought 2 sets previously. Just bought another 2 sets cause Elric is eating more now.

Why Buy? 
- BPA Free
- It's stackable for easy storage
- It's freezable and microwavable
- Ideal for storage your cooked/pureed baby food. :)

Top on of that, the containers are very light and thin. This means that the reheating it faster.
The container is also translucent so that you can easily find the one that you are looking for. :)



Friday, 23 September 2011

Going Out with Baby

Travelling out with your baby can be a nightmare to some.
There are so many things to consider and so many things you need to bring.
It can be frustrating if friends and family fail to sympathise. 

As advised by my son's pediatrician, it is best to minimise travelling to crowded areas until baby has received his 1st jab. Before that, he has very little immunity to the viruses that is around him.

From 1-3 months, try to keep your session short because babies during this period requires a lot of attention most of the time. Feeding and diapers changing are about every 3-hourly. They are however, very good travel companions as they are asleep most of the time. For those who are considering bringing babies overseas may want to think twice. It is important to note that vaccination (eg. flu vaccines) cannot be done for babies below 3 months. So it is better to wait a little.

From 4-6 months, babies are more awake and curious about the surroundings. Schedule is gradually changing and you may be able to extend travelling hours to 3-4 hours without scheduling in a nap time. Be sensitive to baby's cue when he is sleepy or hungry. they tend to be distracted until they are very hungry or grouchy. This will make feeding and napping harder then usual.

From 7-9 months, babies has started solid food. Hence there are more to bring out with you when you are travelling around or runing arrands.

Here is the checklist of stuff you may want to take note whenever bringing baby out.

Diaper changing
Diapers- Minimum 3
1 set of clothes for change. If you need to bath him outside, bring 2 sets.
Diaper cream

Baby bisuits (snacks)
Food Jar (for convenience)
Bowl & spoon
Milk bottle
Baby Milk Powder (if you are on formula)
Hot water (in thermal bottle)
Breast milk (if you are giving ebm)
A bib and a hanky
Room temperature water
Fresh juice

Clip on fan
Soother (if your child is using)

Mosqito repellant
Sunblock lotion
waterfree hand detegant
changing mat
2-in-1 bathing lotion (if bathing)
towel (if bathing)

Till now, each time I travel out with my baby, the session is short.
That's unless there is a place where he can take a nap during the trip.

When Elric grows older I guess I will have more experiences to share. :)


Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Our Laughing Baby

Elric is a happy baby and he laughs easily
That makes me feel good!
As though he is telling Papa and Mama that he is well-taken care of. :) 

Kaye was making random, funny sound and Elric started laughing at the 'farting' sound. 

How I love the way Elric laughs. ^^
I can't help but to laugh with him every time I watch the clip!

Elric at 8 months old